
Showing posts from April, 2012

Turkish Music

The music of Turkey includes diverse elements ranging from Central Asian folk music and has many copies and references of Byzantine music, Greek music, Ottoman music, Persian music, Balkan music, as well as more modern European and American popular music influences. Turkey is a country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, and is a crossroad of cultures from across Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus and South and Central Asia.c  Mustafa Yildizdogan - Turkiyem The meaning of the title is 'My Turkey'. This can be heard at nearly every Turkish gathering including weddings. It is a like the national anthem of Turkey. The roots of traditional music in Turkey spans across centuries to a time when the Seljuk Turks colonised Anatolia and Persia in the 11th century and contains elements of both Turkic and pre-Turkic influences. Much of its modern popular music can trace its roots to the emergence in the early 1930s drive for Westernisation. Ahmet SEZGİN - Ça